Thread Vein Removal

ThermaVein at Surface Clinic


Make those Thread Veins vanish.

Threadveins are extremely common and sometimes embarrassing, mostly affecting the face, body and legs. The causes of thread veins are unknown although they may be caused by changes in temperature, smoking, hormonal changes, alcohol and prolonged standing as well as being a possible inherited condition.

As you age your skin loses collagen and becomes thinner, so when veins expand, they become visible through your skin. Prominent thread veins can be inherited, but they are often caused by long-term sun exposure, pregnancy, rosacea, steroid creams, alcohol, smoking and standing for long periods.

Whilst completely harmless to your health, thread veins are often regarded as an unflattering sight. Men and women can feel quite frustrated and embarrassed when these appear on the legs or face.

Thread veins, often known as broken or spider veins, are tiny red, blue or purple lines just below the skin. They are veins that have become dilated and more easily visible through thinner, usually older skin. They measure no more than 1-2mm in thickness, and shouldn’t be confused with varicose veins, which bulge outwards from the skin, and are regarded as a more serious medical condition.

Our Thermavein treatment and Candela Medical Grade Laser treatment is an effective way to treat your Thread Vein.