Body Ballancer is a versatile, relaxing yet revitalising compression therapy system, manufactured by the world’s leading producer of medical compression therapy devices. Using the proven principles of manual lymphatic drainage massage, it offers an effective answer to a number of aesthetic and health concerns, including cellulite, water retention, poor skin tone and sluggish digestion that can lead to bloating and discomfort. A course of Body Ballancer massages can reduce the appearance of cellulite, firming, smoothing and toning skin, and reducing volume in the abdomen, upper arms, buttocks and legs that are most commonly affected by fluid retention.
Treatment Summary
RESULTS Immediate and ongoing
PRICING From ยฃ80
PAIN Painless and non-invasive
Single Session
6 Sessions
ยฃ480Now ยฃ420
Slip into Body Ballancer’s patented inflating compression garments, lie back and enjoy a wonderfully relaxing or invigorating massage.
The Body Ballancer uses patent protected inflating compression garments to apply a gentle or firm massage. Each garment contains 24 individual air chambers that overlap to apply fluent compression strokes that target every inch of the treated area.
This massage motion, with its specific direction of flow from the base of the limb to the torso, increases circulation and gently but thoroughly decongests the problem areas of hips, thighs, buttocks.
The Body Ballancer action accelerates the removal of waste products and excess fluid via the lymphatic system, reducing the appearance of cellulite, improving skin tone, and reducing volume in areas affected by excess fluid retention whilst its gentle, rhythmic action promotes relaxation whilst boosting immune system function.

Body Ballancer offers benefits in the following areas:
– Cellulite and skin tone: Boosting the supply of fresh, oxygenated blood to the tissues can result in a significant improvement in cellulite and skin quality, leaving it firm and toned
– Slimming and body contouring: improvements in the lymphatic and circulatory systems can lead to the rapid elimination of excess fluid, reducing volume and puffiness in as little as a single treatment
– Health and wellness: A healthy, well-functioning lymphatic system will have a positive impact on the immune, digestive and nervous systems as waste, toxins and pathogens are removed from the body more quickly and effectively

Can you tell me more about the health benefits?
Body Ballancer is clinically designed to stimulate the body’s lymphatic system, which performs three critical functions:
– Aiding the immune system by removing waste, cell debris and other toxins from the body tissues. It also destroys any bacteria and viruses identified in this …’cleaning-up’ process.
– Absorbing fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the digestive system, ensuring these nutrients get into the bloodstream to be delivered to all cells of the body.
– Eliminating water retention by removing excess fluid – ‘lymph’ – from the spaces between the cells of the body, reducing the uncomfortable swelling and puffiness associated with this condition.
Also known as pressotherapy, compression therapy is an advanced form of lymphatic drainage massage using specially designed garments that gently inflate to precise, pre-set pressures.
Compression therapy treatment is often described as having a team of massage therapists working on your body simultaneously to flush out excess fluid, toxins and metabolic waste.